
Oh captain my captain from dead poets society
Oh captain my captain from dead poets society

oh captain my captain from dead poets society

Williams I just wanna say Thank You My Captain. The final scene still gives me chills to this day, and in the midst of our sad goodbye to Mr.

#Oh captain my captain from dead poets society movie

As I've seen here on IMDb, this movie might not gather nearly uncontested praise, but it is very much highly regarded today as it was 25 years ago. The story being an Oscar winning screenplay, is one that I think mostly resonates with younger people, and with this movie being part of my 10th grade Portuguese course, I, personally, embraced its essence and of course its driving message of seizing the day. Keating, be that positively or, unfortunately, negatively. Every one of those students that revived the DPS is, in one way or another, influenced by Mr. The supporting cast is one that balances the film like no other. The thing about this film is that it doesn't shorten its importance to Williams's performance. Keating is the teacher that I wish I had, and granted this might be a mixed opinion within the film's context, but the matter of the fact is that he was no ordinary teacher, and that's something you don't see very often. This being my favorite Williams film, I took it upon myself to honor his memory by remembering his best body of work, in my opinion. It was with a sad reason that I re watched Dead Poets Society, as we lose yet another talent and an all round good person in Robin Williams.

oh captain my captain from dead poets society

I wonder how many people were transformed by this gem of a movie I hope many. I still don't think I have seized the day completely. The fact that the cast was basically my age, and was passing through the same dilemmas and situations I was facing made it all so much more powerful. That living in this world is a beautiful responsability, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and that we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That we have a moral obligation to "seize the day, and make our lives extraordinary" (my favorite quote in all movie history). That we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. What this film showed me was that we have the responsability and the joy of being alive in this planet. Long term thinking involves maybe flirting with a girl.

oh captain my captain from dead poets society

You simply live for the day, hope your grades will be enough to pass, and that's it. Back when you are young, you never really stop to think what in the world you are doing with your life. And yes, I feel I changed a bit from there on. As you can imagine, many friends of mine didn't watch it at all I did. All he asked from us was to watch it, make up our own mind about it, and that was it. We didn't need to bring back a report, or talk about it in class.

oh captain my captain from dead poets society

I had a teacher who told us that we really needed to watch it in fact, it was our "homework" for the day. I saw the movie back when I was in High School. Dead Poets Society is one of those few films. They change your life, subtly altering your perceptions of reality, almost always for the better. However, it will now be forever associated with Robin Williams (at least in my mind).There are certain films that get under your skin, never to come out. Walt Whitman wrote the poem “Oh Captain, my Captain” about Abraham Lincoln. He is every teacher who believes in his or her students, not just in learning, but also as people. Keating is every teacher who showed me that books have a heart and a soul. As a reader, as a writer, as an English major, and as a creative person. I remembered reading for the love of it, for the passion, rather than because someone told you you should like it. As I fell in love with books and poetry I remembered Mr. That is the movie that I will always remember him for, his first truly serious role in which he played an English teacher with a love of poetry and the arts. As I got older, it was movies like Dead Poets Society that moved me. When I was younger I loved seeing him as the genie or as the great Peter Pan in Hook. The world has lost a wonderful man today in the great Robin Williams.

Oh captain my captain from dead poets society